Standard Delivery items are usually dispatched within 2 working day after the order has been placed. We aim to deliver within. We will keep in touch with you once your order has been dispatched.
We currently offer free standard delivery on UK orders.You can also check the delivery cost of your order by adding items to your basket and proceeding to ‘Order Summary’.Lead times quoted are given in good faith. They are based on the best available information from our suppliers at time of purchase. Where any delay occurs we will notify you by email at the earliest opportunity.
If you are a customer anywhere in the world you get 14 calendar days to cancel your order. This two week cancellation period starts from the day you have received all of the items in your order.
Do not use the product if you don't like it and cause no damage to the product.
Email Us in with the order number and receipt of order. Write to us : 304 Long Lane, Bexleyheath, DA75HZ, Kent, United Kingdom. Please wait for our customer service to write back to you confirming the approval of return. We will get back to you within 24 hours of enquiry.
Re-pack your item(s) in the original packaging, or in a secure, waterproof package with labels and tags still attached. Cover your original address label with the returns label with address 304 Long Lane, Bexleyheath, DA75HZ, Kent, United Kingdom Return your package via the Post Office, remembering to get proof of postage. Please don’t post your package through the post box without getting proof of postage. Keep it safe in case you need to use this as evidence of your return.
It can take up to 14 days from the date of your return for your parcel to be delivered back to our warehouse and processed. On receiving your return the next step is for us to check the item(s). Once our checks are complete we’ll refund your money back. The funds should appear on your bank statement in up to 7 working days. We’ll make sure to send you an email as soon as your parcel arrives back at our warehouse, and again when we have processed your refund. If your return has not been credited within 14 days of sending your parcel to us, write to us back in We will then process an investigation on your behalf and get back to you within 7 working days.